Wednesday, May 6, 2009



The first skill I understand better after this course is the topic of segmentation and its importance. Our group chose a very risqué segment – the Cougar, so it was very important that we appropriately assessed this market segment because it is very distinct from the segment of women who are in their same age group. They have different needs and behaviors, and it was important that we addressed those needs when making and designing our product.

Segmentation allows us to create a product that will allow a company and consumer to work in harmony. With appropriate segmentation, the consumer benefits by receiving a product that is designed with their needs and behaviors in mind. From the company's perspective, it ensures a happy consumer who will be loyal to their product and continually drive growth for their organization.

I understand segmentation better now because our group was forced to explore a great deal to understand more about our target market. The Cougar is a very difficult market to access, so it was extremely important that we gather as much information as possible. The personal interviews that we conducted throughout the semester provided great insight into the Cougar's lifestyle so we appropriately segment them. With proper segmentation, we were able to create a product that was distinct enough to cater to unique needs of the Cougar. For example, while most women who are in the same age range of a Cougar have families and are therefore preparing meals for their spouses and children, the Cougar typically lives alone. This characteristic of our segment was something very important to keep in the back of our minds because it affected the type of product we decided to create. An appliance that enabled quick, individual-sized meals would appeal to the Cougar, while it might not necessarily appeal to the average 30-55 year old woman. Had we not appropriately segmented our market with this insight, we may have created a product that would not have appealed to them.

Innovation and Creativity

The second skill that I understand better after this project and class is the creative process. Our group struggled when thinking of what to create for the Cougar because they were such a unique and new market segment. Addressing their specific needs and behaviors required a lot of innovation and creativity. Creativity is "an idea that is both useful and novel", while innovation is "applied creativity".

Our group initially struggled with the creative process because it seemed like every product that we wanted to design for the Cougar already existed. It was not until the Innovation and Creativity lecture that we really started to understand why we were struggling with this process.

Initially, we thought that we would have to come up with a completely novel idea that no one had ever heard of. What we failed to see, and what the lecture appropriately showed us, is that creativity is sometimes more simple than that. Taking a product that already exists and making changes to it to address a certain customer is considered an innovation. With that learning, we were able to come up with more product ideas for the Cougar. With our new insight from the lecture, we were able to take an existing product and make slight modifications that addressed the Cougar's needs. Rather than trying to re-invent the wheel, we took the approach of making the wheel better.

Group Project Experience

I had an enjoyable experience with my team throughout the project. I was able to learn from my other team members, which I found extremely beneficial. Overall, with the different input from each group member, I think we came up with a product that was much better than what we could have come up with individually. For example, when one person would introduce an idea, another team member would add on to that idea, making positive changes for the final product. Conversely, if an idea was unfavorable in the eyes of one team member, constructive suggestions were offered to make the idea better.

Secondly, working in a team on this project allowed us to specialize in areas that we were most comfortable. Some group members were much more comfortable than others in approaching and interviewing Cougars while others were not. Others had a knack for interpreting the data that we gathered. With this specialization, we were able to produce quality work in an efficient manner. Each member was focused on a specific task and able to perfect their objective, rather than having to focus on various tasks that they might not necessarily excel at.

Lastly, working in a team is always a great way to practice interacting with others. Not only is it fun to get to know your team members throughout the process, you learn to appreciate everyone's differences and opinions. Because our topic was so controversial, I had to ensure that the ideas and opinions I brought were not offensive to my team members or to the market segment.

I really enjoyed my team and had a great time working with them on the project. I am always in favor of working in a group situation rather than on an individual project because there is so much more that can be achieved in a group environment. My belief was reinforced with this project and I know that we produced something that we could not have done alone.

Class Reflection

This class was extremely interesting and fun for me. I enjoyed the free structure of the class because it enabled the students to drive their own learning. You were the driving instructor, just guiding us along, but each individual was responsible for what they learned and how much they wanted to learn. I think that learning should be an internal desire, not a forced activity, and the setup of the class allowed for students to explore this inner drive.

I always imagined college to be like this when I was in high school. No hand-holding from the professor and freedom to learn and engage yourself in the way that works best for you. Thanks for your flexibility and for a great semester!

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